
  • WP-CLI v2.3 released

    WP-CLI v2.3 released

    WP-CLI is a great tool which we use heavily at Seravo and if you are a developer we hope you do too. Version 2.3 is a smaller release but with some nifty improvements and we actually also participated with a…

  • Translating WordPress

    Translating WordPress

    About a third of the websites in the world are currently running on WordPress. Behind the success of the platform is a passionate community that tirelessly works to maintain and develop it. Most of the volunteers behind WordPress simply want…

  • Optimize Images for Better Loading Times

    Optimize Images for Better Loading Times

    When browsing the internet every second counts. A single second wasted on loading a website might determine if a visitor stays on a site or wanders off. For that reason, it is important to consider people with slow and potentially…

  • Best PHP code style for WordPress developers?

    Best PHP code style for WordPress developers?

    Code style has always been a topic of huge debate since programming was a thing. One of the more famous and debated questions, namely the usage of tabs or spaces for code indentation, has even been mentioned in the popular…

  • Why Let’s Encrypt is Enough

    Why Let’s Encrypt is Enough

    We often hear questions about the Let’s Encrypt certificate that we offer as a part of all of our hosting plans. People tend to wonder how a free certificate can offer sufficient security and if Let’s Encrypt can really answer…

  • Back from WordCamp Europe Berlin 2019

    Back from WordCamp Europe Berlin 2019

    So WordCamp Europe Berlin 2019 is over and we at Seravo are back home from what cannot be described any other way than another very successful conference. We did have high expectations, listed some of the things we looked forward…

  • Upgrade to PHP 7.3 for better performance and security

    Upgrade to PHP 7.3 for better performance and security

    If you are running WordPress on any ancient PHP version older than 5.6, I have some bad news for you: as of WordPress version 5.2, the minimum PHP version that WordPress runs on is 5.6.20. Don’t sigh from relief even…

  • New Google analysis reveals the fastest hosts

    A recent analysis done by Google, which is using data from the Chrome UX dataset‘s time-to-first-byte measurements from real-world users, shows that the speed of sites managed by Seravo was on average better than that of the traditional industry leaders in…

  • New WordPress Security Settings by Seravo

    New WordPress Security Settings by Seravo

    Our staff has given numerous talks at WordCamps and meetups about WordPress security, and we have always claimed that WordPress is secure by default. All users really need to do is follow good password hygiene. WordPress is not like Windows…