
Go Carbon Negative with Seravo

As a responsible company Seravo avoids the use of fossil fuels, ensuring that carbon dioxide emissions are minimized in order to slow down climate change. At the end of 2019, Seravo became carbon neutral, and in summer 2020 carbon negative, thanks to Seravo’s own 260 hectares of natural wetlands!

Seravo’s hosting resides in data centers that use 100% green, renewable energy: hydropower and wind power. Web traffic accounts for an ever-increasing share of the world’s electricity consumption. By migrating your website to Seravo you can be sure that your own website will not produce more carbon emissions from electricity consumption!

Wind power turbine in Finland

Optimized WordPress

To guarantee that any website works well, its implementation must be considered. In the past, code had to be fast and efficient – today, code should be efficient, but also be economical in how it uses available resources. With Seravo’s scalable architecture and powerful servers, your site will always run as fast as possible.

Using resources wisely means less energy consumption. That’s why Seravo wants to encourage site owners and developers to make sure that sites are well optimized. This is also why we measure the usage of plans by HTTP request quotas; the amount of requests is a good indicator of whether a site and its code is well optimised. A site with fewer HTTP requests will do well with a smaller plan!

The WordPress experts in our customer service are happy to share their advice on how to optimize your WordPress site. On Seravo’s blog, you’ll also find useful articles on WordPress optimization and how to get started. We also perform site speed and performance optimizations as an additional service for sites in our premium hosting.