Tag: developer tools

  • Seravo in 2024 – What’s on the Horizon?

    Seravo in 2024 – What’s on the Horizon?

    What technical improvements and new features are planned for Seravo in 2024? Find out about customer portal, WAF, SMTP and more!

  • PHP 8.3 Released Today

    PHP 8.3 Released Today

    PHP 8.3 has been released. Here’s what’s new and how to keep your PHP version up to date!

  • Speed Up Your Site with Fragment Caching

    Speed Up Your Site with Fragment Caching

    Speed up your WordPress site by saving static elements into transients. Get even better results with the help of object cache. In this tutorial you’ll find out how!

  • Migrating from deployer.seravo.com to Github actions

    Migrating from deployer.seravo.com to Github actions

    The WordPress.org plugin repository still uses Subversion in 2020, and a lot of developers have been frustrated about this for many years already. Most developers use git as their daily source control versioning system, and going back to running svn…

  • Webinar: Use Xdebug to profile PHP

    Webinar: Use Xdebug to profile PHP

    During the COVID-19 outbreak in spring 2020, we cancelled all of our on-site trainings and replaced them with free webinars that proved to be very popular, so we decided to continue with them in fall 2020 as well. Next up…

  • Webinar: Dismantle WordPress Performance Bottlenecks

    Webinar: Dismantle WordPress Performance Bottlenecks

    We recently hosted a webinar focusing on cache, more specifically what a WordPress developer should know about caching. One of the things in that webinar that people responded to was a PHP performance profiling tool called Tideways, which makes it…

  • Give Your Content a Boost With Blocks

    Give Your Content a Boost With Blocks

    With version 5.0 WordPress got its new Gutenberg editor, which brought a host of notable changes to the post and page handling with it. The most important new feature being blocks, the core idea driving Gutenberg. Blocks change content production…

  • WP-CLI v2.3 released

    WP-CLI v2.3 released

    WP-CLI is a great tool which we use heavily at Seravo and if you are a developer we hope you do too. Version 2.3 is a smaller release but with some nifty improvements and we actually also participated with a…

  • WordPress 5.1 ”Betty” is released

    WordPress 5.1 ”Betty” is released

    With the WordPress 5.0 release in mind that we wrote about earlier as comparison, this is a much smaller and quicker release. Improvements for editors and site administrators As an editor on WordPress install you will probably mostly recognize the…

  • WP-CLI v2.1 released

    WP-CLI v2.1 released

    Access to great developer tools is a key feature on our WordPress platform. Therefore we are excited about this new WP-CLI v2.1 release which brings some interesting improvements. Improvements to i18n There has been multiple improvements to wp i18n make-pot…