Tag: wordcamp

  • Seravo WCFI 2023 Preparty

    Seravo WCFI 2023 Preparty

    Are you excited for WordCamp Finland 2023? We sure are, come and party with Seravo after the Contributor Day!

  • WordCamp Lisboa 2023

    WordCamp Lisboa 2023

    WordCamp in Lisbon brought together almost 300 WordPress community members from 22 different countries. Seravo sponsored the event!

  • WordPress 20th Anniversary

    WordPress 20th Anniversary

    Happy birthday, WordPress!

  • Aki Björklund Joins the Seravo Board

    Aki Björklund Joins the Seravo Board

    Aki Björklund, one of the pioneers in the Finnish WordPress scene, has joined the board of Seravo. Aki has a long history with WordPress as an entrepreneur, as the head of a digital agency, and as a developer who has…

  • Visit us at the entirely online WordCamp Europe 2020

    Visit us at the entirely online WordCamp Europe 2020

    WordCamp Europe is the world’s largest WordPress conference and we at Seravo have been an active participant in many ways during the years, as speakers, contributors, and sponsors. Last year the conference was in Berlin and we participated as always.…

  • Back from WordCamp Europe Berlin 2019

    Back from WordCamp Europe Berlin 2019

    So WordCamp Europe Berlin 2019 is over and we at Seravo are back home from what cannot be described any other way than another very successful conference. We did have high expectations, listed some of the things we looked forward…

  • Our Tips for WordCamp Europe 2019

    Our Tips for WordCamp Europe 2019

    Up here in the north of Europe we tend to celebrate the midsummer with friends and families, good food and a toast here and there. Some of us light bonfires and some dance around poles and sing songs about little…

  • Organizing WordCamp Nordic

    Organizing WordCamp Nordic

    WordCamp Nordic, the first ever regional WordCamp for the Nordic countries, took place in March 2019. It was also the biggest and most international WordCamp ever organized on Finnish soil with over 600 targeted attendees. As usual, Seravo was an…

  • Fun Times at WordCamp Nordic

    Fun Times at WordCamp Nordic

    If you have any connection with the WordPress community in Finland it was hard to miss the first ever pan-Nordic WordCamp held in Helsinki last week. As we make it our business to contribute to WordPress related events, we acted…

  • WordCamp magic in Athens, Greece

    WordCamp magic in Athens, Greece

    Seravo has quite a long history supporting WordPress Communities. We have been giving speeches, sponsoring and attending different WordCamps for many years now and thus in Finland we are considered “one of the regulars”. However, we feel like we can both…