Tag: HTTPS protocol

  • WordPress 5.7 Esperanza – what’s new?

    WordPress 5.7 Esperanza – what’s new?

    WordPress 5.7 was named after jazz bassist Esperanza Spalding. Many updates and improvements are coming up!

  • Enforced Password Protection at Seravo

    Enforced Password Protection at Seravo

    Did you know that a weak password is the most common reason for a data breach? At Seravo, we take care of protecting your WordPress site.

  • Patterns for Getting Picked Up by Google Discover

    Patterns for Getting Picked Up by Google Discover

    Veera Jussila has been blogging for about a decade. At first, she was blogging about her kids and family life. Soon she grew out of the parenting segment and decided that instead of sharing her personal experience, she should start…

  • Old TLS Versions Will Be Phased Out in March

    Old TLS Versions Will Be Phased Out in March

    TLS 1.3 has been the primary cryptographic protocol on the Seravo servers since the beginning of the year 2020. Also, we have TLS 1.2 in use. We have now reached the point where older versions TLS 1.1 and 1.0 will…

  • Why Let’s Encrypt is Enough

    Why Let’s Encrypt is Enough

    We often hear questions about the Let’s Encrypt certificate that we offer as a part of all of our hosting plans. People tend to wonder how a free certificate can offer sufficient security and if Let’s Encrypt can really answer…

  • HTTPS is not optional

    HTTPS is not optional

    Encryption has been keeping your data safe for years now, and you might be using a VPN application to form a secure internet connection and protect your personal information from prying eyes. That’s all great, but with thousands of websites…

  • HTTP/2 speeds up your websites

    HTTP/2 speeds up your websites

    Have you ever wondered what the http:// in the beginning of the website URL stands for? The abbreviation comes from term Hypertext Transfer Protocol and both it and the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) were developed in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee, while…