
  • Is Your Website a Hit? Make Sure the Full Page Cache Works

    Is Your Website a Hit? Make Sure the Full Page Cache Works

    Do you expect your website to get a lot of visitors? No worries, if your site is hosted by Seravo, you are already well prepared. However, if you want to be extra well prepared and to make sure your WordPress…

  • Six Ways to Improve WordPress Information Security

    Six Ways to Improve WordPress Information Security

    WordPress still suffers from the reputation of being not secure. We state There are no unsecure WordPress sites, only poorly upkept WordPress sites. Here is a list of ways to improve the security of your WordPress site – starting from…

  • Coding WordPress in style with PHPCS

    Coding WordPress in style with PHPCS

    Some developers wonder why it isn’t enough that the code just works? The reason is that ugly code is doomed to lead to errors.

  • WordCamp magic in Athens, Greece

    WordCamp magic in Athens, Greece

    Seravo has quite a long history supporting WordPress Communities. We have been giving speeches, sponsoring and attending different WordCamps for many years now and thus in Finland we are considered “one of the regulars”. However, we feel like we can both…

  • Measuring WordPress Speed

    Measuring WordPress Speed

    Improving the performance of WordPress sites is a popular topic among WordPress developers. E-commerce owners know that faster websites mean more conversions and more sales. Everybody hates to wait for pages that take long to load. However, the knowledge of…

  • Five reasons to choose WordPress

    Five reasons to choose WordPress

    It’s easy for us inside the WordPress bubble to consider it self-explanatory. Sometimes, however, it’s wise to go back to basics and go over why we (and many, many others) are so excited about WordPress.  WordPress is a publishing platform for making websites.…

  • Improving WordPress Performance with Xdebug and PHP Profiling

    Improving WordPress Performance with Xdebug and PHP Profiling

    The success of WordPress is traditionally attributed to how easy it is to use, both from an end-user point of view and from a website developer’s point of view. Many feel empowered by WordPress as they are able to produce…

  • WordCamp Europe 2017, what to expect?

    WordCamp Europe 2017, what to expect?

    Bonjour! The most expected WordPress event of the year, WordCamp Europe 2017, is held in Paris this weekend. The conference will gather together over three thousand WordPressers from all over Europe and the world. Seravo is sponsoring WordCamp Europe for the…

  • WordPress 4.8 Will Be Released Soon – What’s Going to Change?

    WordPress 4.8 Will Be Released Soon – What’s Going to Change?

    The new version of WordPress core, WordPress 4.8 is expected to be released this week, around June 8. The new version will provide a few small, but still useful improvements and features. The changes apply both to the admin panel and the front…