Seravo’s project template makes developing WordPress sites faster and more efficient.
Newer image formats like WebP and AVIF can improve your site’s speed, search engine visibility, and user experience.
Updating the software running on the server is important, especially for security reasons.
Regardless of the size of your WordPress site, it may be an appealing target to cybercriminals. Improve the security of your site with this checklist!
Security issues are a website owner’s worst nightmare. Do you know how to deal with a data breach or denial of service attack? Take these steps to prevent and mitigate security threats to your site.
Whatever you do online, domains are something to pay particular attention to. Read this to learn more about domains and protect yourself from online scams!
Last year Seravo organised a Green Friday campaign for the very first time. Green Friday is a reaction to Black Friday campaigns, particularly prominent in online stores, and draws attention to socially responsible and environmentally beneficial activities instead. Our donation…
A new version of the PHP programming language has been released: PHP 8.4. What’s changing, and why is updating PHP important in WordPress?
Seravo’s WP Enterprise is a tailored hosting plan for demanding WordPress websites. We now offer faster support response times for Enterprise customers!
Customer Story Development Performance Security Seravo WordPress
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