Tag: PHP 8.0

  • PHP 8.2 Soon Available

    PHP 8.2 Soon Available

    PHP 8.2 becomes available at Seravo for developer testing. However, we recommend using PHP8 on your live WordPress site – for now!

  • What’s new in PHP 8?

    What’s new in PHP 8?

    On November 26th 2020, there will be a new version of PHP released. This new release has a number of new features, as well as implementing some non-backward compatible changes. Seravo has already started testing and deploying the release candidates…

  • WordPress.org Calls For PHP 8.0 Testers: Seravo Answers

    On October 6th 2020, the WordPress Core team put out a call for testers. Specifically, there was a requirement for testing WordPress with PHP 8.0 release candidate, especially with the upcoming WordPress 5.6 release. The dates of these releases coincide,…
