PHP 8.2 Soon Available

Seravo workstation

After a small delay, PHP 8.2 was published in December 2022. The latest stable version 8.2.2 was published yesterday, 2nd of February. During the upcoming days an update will be introduced to Seravo’s hosting and upkeep, and 8.2 becomes available for developers. Roll on the weekend!

However, we don’t recommend upgrading to version to 8.2 just yet. As per usual, one should wait and let the WordPress core, plugin and theme updates catch up, so that they also will support the latest PHP version. In other words, we recommend PHP 8.2 for web development and testing purposes only, for now.

Upgrading may result in errors and broken websites, if the switch to 8.2 is done haphazardly or without necessary checks. We currently recommend PHP 8.0 for WordPress sites, or 8.1 if the site’s theme and plugins already support that. Take a look at our instructions for upgrading your site’s PHP version in Seravo’s Knowledge Bank!

What’s changing in PHP 8.2?

Once again, the list of changes is reasonably lengthy, and we won’t go into details of all new features and deprecations in this article. However, we have listed some of the most important changes, come 8.2! All changes can be found at PHP official documentation or at, for example.

New Features

Deprecations and Other Changes

For more detailed information, have a look at the PHP 8.2 migration instructions.

It is recommended to keep your WordPress site’s PHP version up to date.

Other PHP versions at Seravo

Earlier in January we announced a schedule for removal of old and outdated PHP versions at Seravo’s hosting and upkeep. The support for PHP versions 5.6 and 7.0 will end during the upcoming summer this year. Read our blog about this upcoming update, or have a look at our Knowledge Bank to find out the exact dates!