Our Value is the Sum of Our Values

Mikko Saari is full of entrepreneurial spirit. He addresses challenges proactively, coming up with necessary tools and even personal habits to overcome obstacles. This is well demonstrated with the WordPress plugin Relevanssi, which he first built for himself and later on released for everybody, to improve the search experience.

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WordPress search is limited in many ways, but Relevanssi gives the site owner the power to find things in a much better way. And not only that – it also extends the type of things to search for: PDF contents, custom fields, user profiles, taxonomy terms, shortcode output, and much more. Relevanssi gives you full access and full control, with plenty of filters and ways to make search work the way you want your search to work.

It all started with a book, or books actually

Mikko came up with the idea for Relevanssi from his own book review website. As he was searching around for the plugin that would help website visitors do advanced searches, he discovered that the market has some options, but all of these options were not up to the standards that Mikko had.

An experienced coder, he decided to create one himself. At some point, he pushed the plugin out for others as a free plugin. At a later point as he was developing it further, he also started selling the premium version of Relevanssi. And years later, Relevanssi has grown into a very powerful and useful addition that solves the search challenges for thousands of websites all around the world!

Being responsible

Relevanssi also stands out with its corporate responsibility statements and actions. And this is where Mikko as a CEO is also trying to set an example for the world, both as a business owner and as a parent, to challenge the habits we have. He strongly believes that the concept of neverending economic growth is unbearable and damaging the planet. This is why Relevanssi resigns from the demand for continuous growth. Relevanssi cares more about the future of the planet than pleasing its owners with fatter profits.

Nowadays the internet will take you anywhere, and so being physically present is often not needed. This is why Mikko doesn’t travel by plane, but not only that, he doesn’t do any unnecessary traveling at all.

To give back, Relevanssi has pledged to share a remarkable 5% from all revenue to numerous charities. They support women entrepreneurship in developing countries as when women do better, the whole society also does better. To make a full circle, they are also sponsoring programs that help girls in developing countries get a better education.

Otto Kekäläinen (CEO of Seravo) and Mikko Saari (Founder of Relevanssi) talking at the Seravo offices

Relevanssi is a client of Seravo, appreciating the fact that we are a green hosting company taking care of website speed and security. Want to learn more about the benefits of hosting with Seravo? Feel free to reach out or browse through our features and plans pages.



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