Fressi relies on Seravo’s consistency

Traffic Peaks Make You Stronger – Fressi Is Fit for Growth and Progress

Fitness and welfare center Fressi is one of our enterprise customers. The company offers fitness and gym services to a broad range of customers all over Finland. The website serves as the center for current information, health-related blog articles as well as an online reservation system for the group training sessions.

How to get enough capacity?

Fressi has a huge amount of customers who use the online services on a daily basis. This has made the infrastructure of the site problematic. Previously there were especially problems  with capacity levels which were exceeded during traffic peaks. Also the reliability of the site had its own issues. For a service that is partly based on online functionality, it is a key issue that there is no unwanted timeouts or other breaks in the service. That is why Fressi seeked help from Seravo.

Previously Fressi relied on a global CDN solution to balance the load, improve availability and to make the site faster. All this was replaced with the core of Seravo service, which has made the site faster than before. In addition to this, the Fressi website and thus its content is now physically closer to the clients, as the site is set on a Finnish server. A local server is an important factor for many of our clients, and we are prepared to please our international customers in that area too.

Tested updates and automatic backups

ICT Manager for Fressi, Erkki Kalli, has been very pleased with Seravo and the new hosting solution:

– We had our doubts about the automatic updates, fearing that they would cause issues in our plugins and break something on the site. Seravo was able to provide us with a solution and we defined together a set of automatic tests that updates have to pass before being visible on the live site. Besides this, the automatic backups have once saved the functionality of our site.

At Seravo we are especially proud of our system of tested updates. We always test all updates in a separate environment so nothing breaks on your live site. This procedure costs nothing extra and is a standard feature for all of our plans, from Mini to Enterprise. The case of Fressi, among others, has proved to us that the update procedure really is what the world of WordPress needs.

The understanding of WordPress environment that Seravo has, has been really beneficial for us as a customer. We can truly rely on the consistency of the service and the availability of our site.

Want to hear more about our services for companies? Don’t hesitate to contact us, we will surely find the best solution for you.