Category: Security
WordPress Database Protection at Seravo
Read Seravo’s blog to find out what Seravo is doing to protect the database on your WordPress site!
So Your Site Got Blocked by Your Browser?
Sometimes your site may be interpreted by browsers to be potentially harmful. Here’s what it means, and how Seravo can help you.
Severe 0-Day Security Vulnerability Found by Seravo in WP File Manager
Severe 0-day security vulnerability found by Seravo’s security research in popular WordPress plugin – update WP File Manager immediately
Old TLS Versions Will Be Phased Out in March
Older cryptographic protocols TLS 1.1 and 1.0 will be phased out from our service during March 2020.
Why Let’s Encrypt is Enough
In this article we shed some light on what Let’s Encrypt exactly is and why your site doesn’t need an expensive certificate to be secure.
New WordPress Security Settings by Seravo
WordPress and information security have always been of utmost importance to Seravo. We’ll share the best tips for WordPress security, and keep your site safe.
HTTPS is not optional
HTTPS protection is one of the many ways to improve the security of a website, and at Seravo’s WordPress hosting, HTTPS is always enabled and enforced.
Six Ways to Improve WordPress Information Security
WordPress still suffers from the reputation of being not secure. We state There are no unsecure WordPress sites, only poorly upkept WordPress sites. Here is a list of ways to improve the security of your WordPress site – starting from…
WordPress Security 101
There are many alternative facts around WordPress security. Is the system safe enough to be used at all?