Faster than the Fastest

Seravo’s Premium Hosting for WordPress takes care of your site’s speed, security and updates. We monitor your site 24/7. Get to know our features and how we’re the world’s fastest WordPress hosting!

Our Plans

Seravo’s premium hosting service includes everything you need for maintaining your WordPress site securely and efficiently. Choose the right plan for your project today!

For the best deal, choose annual billing.

25 € / month

150 000 HTTP requests
10 GB storage
SSL/TLS certificate
One domain, renewal & DNS

Basic setup for small companies and entrepreneurs.

40 € / month

500 000 HTTP requests
15 GB storage
SSL/TLS certificate
One domain, renewal & DNS

For small and medium-sized businesses.

60 € / month

1 500 000 HTTP requests
30 GB storage
SSL/TLS certificate
One domain, renewal & DNS
WooCommerce enabled

For growing businesses, shops and e-commerce sites.

110 € / month

3 000 000 HTTP requests
60 GB storage
SSL/TLS certificate
One domain, renewal & DNS
WooCommerce enabled
Multisite support (10 sites)

For bigger sites, WordPress networks and high-traffic web shops.

Custom solution
tailored to your needs

Custom HTTP requests
Custom storage
SSL/TLS certificate
One domain, renewal & DNS
WooCommerce enabled
Multisite support (10+ sites)
Priority Support

Our tailored plan for when you need a custom solution.

All Plans Feature…

Fast WordPress Hosting

Did you know that Seravo’s premium WordPress hosting is ranked as the fastest WordPress hosting service in the world at

Read our blog to learn how we’ve achieved this!

Looking for Something?

Seravo is…

Our WordPress hosting and upkeep is built and optimized especially for WordPress. We keep your site updated and secure, while relying on renewable energy. Our WordPress experts help you with any technical issues you may face with your site.


We’re fast, and we have the data to show it. We don’t rely on CDNs or other third-party solutions. Designed and built for WordPress, expect industry-leading speed – no plugins needed.


We take security seriously and keep your site updated. Automatic daily backups restore your site back into action. Our security guarantee means we will clean up your site of any malicious code – for free.


All our servers use 100% renewable energy. We’ve been carbon-neutral, and soon aspire to become carbon-negative. To achieve this, we’ve invested in wetlands and continuously promote green thinking.


We keep your site available at all times. Our 24/7 monitoring fixes most problems before you even notice. If you need help with a technical issue, our WordPress experts are happy to help you!


Our Customers

Seravo’s speed, security and stability are trusted by businesses, entrepreneurs and communities worldwide. WordPress and Seravo’s hosting is suitable for sites of all sizes. We already maintain over 5000 sites!


  • Ardereum asiakastarina

    Maailman parannusta ja parempaa työhyvinvointia – Ardereum haastattelu

    Työhyvinvointi on meille seravolaisille tärkeä arvo. Tänään pureudumme työhyvinvointiin asiakashaastattelun merkeissä.Meillä Seravolla on tuhansia mielenkiintoisia asiakkaita sekä heidän sivustojaan ylläpidossa. Niiden joukosta haastatteluun valikoitavia miettiessä olo on kuin keräisi tähtiä ja sieniä legendaarisessa Super Mario Bros -pelissä, jota pelasimme juuri työporukan virkistysillassa. Kaikkea ei ehdi kerätä, mutta onneksi nyt saimme kiinni yhden ison tähden ja…

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