Tag: developer

  • When the Internet Breaks – Make Sure Your Website Works

    When the Internet Breaks – Make Sure Your Website Works

    On Monday, October 4th 2021, something quite exceptional happened that did not go unnoticed by Seravo’s customers. Facebook and other social media services it owns, including WhatsApp and Instagram, didn’t work at all last night. The problem only disappeared after…

  • Aki Björklund Joins the Seravo Board

    Aki Björklund Joins the Seravo Board

    Aki Björklund, one of the pioneers in the Finnish WordPress scene, has joined the board of Seravo. Aki has a long history with WordPress as an entrepreneur, as the head of a digital agency, and as a developer who has…

  • Webinars for WordPress Developers

    Webinars for WordPress Developers

    This spring has changed the world in many ways. One small change of plans is that we have had to put the WordPress training that we do in Finland on hold. Instead, we have decided to do a series of…

  • WordPress 5.4 Is Out

    WordPress 5.4 Is Out

    A new WordPress version 5.4 was released on March 31. As usual, WordPress releases are named after legendary jazz musicians. This time the honor goes to the trumpet player Nat Adderley. His composition “Work Song” is considered a jazz standard.…

  • Give Your Content a Boost With Blocks

    Give Your Content a Boost With Blocks

    With version 5.0 WordPress got its new Gutenberg editor, which brought a host of notable changes to the post and page handling with it. The most important new feature being blocks, the core idea driving Gutenberg. Blocks change content production…

  • WP-CLI v2.3 released

    WP-CLI v2.3 released

    WP-CLI is a great tool which we use heavily at Seravo and if you are a developer we hope you do too. Version 2.3 is a smaller release but with some nifty improvements and we actually also participated with a…

  • Best PHP code style for WordPress developers?

    Best PHP code style for WordPress developers?

    Code style has always been a topic of huge debate since programming was a thing. One of the more famous and debated questions, namely the usage of tabs or spaces for code indentation, has even been mentioned in the popular…

  • WordPress 5.1 ”Betty” is released

    WordPress 5.1 ”Betty” is released

    With the WordPress 5.0 release in mind that we wrote about earlier as comparison, this is a much smaller and quicker release. Improvements for editors and site administrators As an editor on WordPress install you will probably mostly recognize the…

  • 13 Tips for a Secure & Efficient WordPress Database

    13 Tips for a Secure & Efficient WordPress Database

    If we were asked to name two of the most common issues with WordPress websites, the answer would be security and speed. And what’s the one main factor these two have in common? The database. The database of a WordPress…

  • WP-CLI v2.1 released

    WP-CLI v2.1 released

    Access to great developer tools is a key feature on our WordPress platform. Therefore we are excited about this new WP-CLI v2.1 release which brings some interesting improvements. Improvements to i18n There has been multiple improvements to wp i18n make-pot…