Support Platform Changes

Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

Seravo has changed the platform we use as a backend for customer support. To you as a customer almost nothing will change: your support requests are still sent to and you will be able to continue to browse our user documentation at

A while back we announced that we were going to start using a support platform that would help us provide a better customer experience for our customers. About six months have passed since that announcement and we decided that it was time to evaluate how well the platform has helped us in our everyday tasks and whether there was any room for improvement.

The platform we’ve been using since the announcement,, is open source software and it has served its purpose, to ease our workload so that we could help our customers more efficiently, fairly well. During this time, we have, however, noticed some missing features and problems with the service, which led us to look for viable alternatives to Helpy.

After comparing several different services we decided to look more closely at Help Scout. The service is more mature than and will bring in some much-needed reliability, as well as additional features. The codebase for Help Scout is not open source, however. We will dig deeper into the reasoning on why we chose a proprietary service over an open-source option in another blog post in the future.

How will this affect me?

Only the underlying service will change but the support email (, as well as the site for user documentation (, will be available through the same addresses as before.

What you won’t be able to do anymore, is to log in to the support platform to check the status of your tickets. This feature was only used by a handful of our customers. It’s a small price to pay for all the other improvements the new platform will bring about.

Do you have a question about the support platform change or about some other matter? Don’t hesitate to contact us at!


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