How to Block Spam on Your WordPress Site

Are you tired of constantly cleaning up and moderating the comment section of your site? Is your email bursting with mails from Jessica9230 commenting your newest articles for thousandth time with some fishy link? How will you take back control from spambots?

The eternal struggle with spammers can be nerve shredding and push your stress levels to unbearable heights. But fear not: there is a solution, and just a few clicks away in WordPress admin panel. In this post we will show you how to enable the Google reCaptcha plugin in your WordPress site without any programming involved.

Here’s how to enable Google reCaptcha

  1. Log in to your sites admin panel and from the left menu bar click “Plugins” > “Add new”.
  2.  Write ”WordPress ReCaptcha Integration” in the search field and click “install now”. After the installation activate the plugin.
  3. Choose “Settings” > “reCaptcha” from the left menu bar. Next go and create the API-key in the Google service: Google reCAPTCHA admin page
  4. Enter your site name and domain in the fields and click “Register”. Next you will be redirected to a page where you can copy the required keys for enabling reCaptcha. Enter “site key” and “secret key” in the fields on the WordPress reCaptcha settings page and click save. After this a new settings page will open where you’ll have to check the box ”My Comment Form is WordPress 4.2 compatible”.

There you have it! Now the commenting and registration requires the user to pass the Google reCaptcha test, that will check if the assumed user is really human or some garbage sowing spambot.

Also to remember: professional maintenance and safe passwords

Google reCaptcha does block junkmail, but it doesn’t replace other good security practices. The easiest way to keep your website safe is to have your site maintenance done by professionals and taking care of your password strength.


One response to “How to Block Spam on Your WordPress Site”

  1. […] The Recaptcha plugin will also be installed on new sites in the future. This will lower the threshold for customers to use reCAPTCHA verification to prevent bots. […]

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