Our Tips for WordCamp Europe 2019

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

Up here in the north of Europe we tend to celebrate the midsummer with friends and families, good food and a toast here and there. Some of us light bonfires and some dance around poles and sing songs about little frogs. This year the festivities will be slightly different for some of us, as we who live and breath WordPress will have our eyes on Berlin.

Seravo is attending WordCamp Europe with a four-member task force and we asked each of the participants to write a paragraph or two on what they are looking forward to the most from the conference. We got some interesting pointers that you might find useful as well. If you can’t attend the conference in person, there will be a livestream available.

I’m super excited about helping Vassilena with her content planning workshop.

Eetu Mäkelä

Eetu Mäkelä who leads our customer success team is helping to arrange a workshop and is interested in content planning and conversion strategies:

“I’m super excited about helping Vassilena with her content planning workshop and sharing my knowledge about the topic. Or figuring out I know nothing about the topic.

Also the business side of WordPress is getting a lot more attention this time around than it usually does in WordCamps, so looking forward to learning about customer retention and landing page conversion strategies.”

I’m looking forward to Matt’s talk “Matt on WordPress”.

Johan Falk

Johan Falk, our man in Sweden, is eager to find out about the state of Gutenberg to come:

“I’m looking forward to Matt’s talk “Matt on WordPress“. Previously he used to do more Q&A focused sessions during WCEU, and then his “State of the Word” at WCUS. Since last year, with his more active role with the releases, he has used WCEU to report on the progress and coming steps for the Gutenberg phases instead. Phase Two includes nine projects for 2019 and seems to be on track but it’s gonna be interesting to hear about the remaining work there – and maybe an update on the focus for Phase Three, which has previously been announced to be about collaboration and multi-user editing.”

The web has changed pretty drastically in the last couple of decades, so it is interesting to hear what is yet to come.

Leo Toikka

Leo Toikka, one of our developers, wants to learn about the skills that you need to survive in the future:

“I’m also interested in hearing what Matt has to say about WordPress as one of its original founders and also due to his intriguing keynote last year at WCEU. I also look forward to hearing Nevena Tomovic’s thoughts about what skills are a must for a WordPresser in her talk “Renaissance jobs in WordPress: Skills you need to survive the 21st-century career”. IT and especially the web has changed pretty drastically in the last couple of decades, so there is no doubt that it is interesting to hear what is yet to come. And of course, I can’t wait to have some good schnitzels and beer in local restaurants. :)”

We are glad to see at least one talk covering the database and data architecture at this WordCamp.

Otto Kekäläinen

Our CEO Otto Kekäläinen is in in the optimization mode, looking forward to battling future technical challenges already in the present tense:

John Jacoby will talk about what WordPress will need in the next decade and custom database tables is listed as the minimum requirement. This sounds very promising considering the database most often is the bottleneck in both performance and in advanced functionality as well.

Seravo’s staff has also had talks about how WordPress site developers should correctly use the database and we are glad to see at least one talk covering the database and data architecture at this WordCamp. “

We’ll see you there!

In addition to attending we’re also sponsoring the event. Promoting open source and giving back to the community are some of our core values. If our calculations are correct, this will be the 15th WordCamp we sponsor.

If you see a Seravo hoodie in the crowd, be sure to say hi. Or come by our booth. We’re always in the mood to talk about WordPress!


2 responses to “Our Tips for WordCamp Europe 2019”

  1. […] be described any other way than another very successful conference. We did have high expectations, listed some of the things we looked forward to previously and were very happy to be a WordCamp sponsor for the 15th […]

  2. […] be described any other way than another very successful conference. We did have high expectations, listed some of the things we looked forward to previously and were very happy to be a WordCamp sponsor for the 15th […]