WordPress Security 101

There are many alternative facts around WordPress security. Is the system safe enough to be used at all?

Keep WordPress Updated

Especially in the past few months there has been several security issues concerning both WordPress core and plugins. In many cases the cause of problems can be traced back to neglected updates – that is why we have chosen to offer automatic, tested updates to all of our customers.

In addition to unpatched sites, we have noticed that such simple actions as using too easy passwords can be the reason why hackers get access to the website and can use it for their own purposes. The ever-remaining issue are the various plugins for WordPress – especially for a beginner it can be difficult to spot the unreliable ones from the vast mass of useful plugins.

What Is Important in WordPress Security – And What Is Not

To help out fellow WordPressers in security issues we have gathered together the most important dos and don’ts of WP Security. The slides by Otto have been presented earlier at WordCamp Manchester 2016 and at a WordPress Meetup in Turku, Finland.

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There are also videos available at WordPress.tv of this presentation.

Secure WordPress Hosting from Seravo

When you want to rest easy at night, it is essential that you have chosen secure and reliable hosting service for your WordPress site. Seravo is more than a hosting company – we also keep your site updated, safe from attacks and can advice you on any special security issues that might concern you. Read more about our hosting plans.


4 responses to “WordPress Security 101”

  1. […] Seravo we want to help the entire WordPress community evolve. We’ve debunked WordPress security myths by giving talks about WordPress security at many WordPress Meetups and […]

  2. […] all the myths and false advice out there, we recommend checking out our WordPress Security 101 presentation for a good introduction to WordPress […]

  3. […] all the myths and false advice out there, we recommend checking out our WordPress Security 101 presentation for a good introduction to WordPress […]

  4. […] Seravo we want to help the entire WordPress community evolve. We’ve debunked WordPress security myths by giving talks about WordPress security at many WordPress Meetups and WordCamps. Now it is time to […]