WordPress 5.0 is coming out on December 6

Photo by Teddy Kelley on Unsplash

When WordPress 5.0 missed its original release target date in the end of November, the consensus in the community seemed to be that the release should be delayed to early next year. Matt Mullenweg did point out already then that there have been December releases for WordPress before and that 5.0 might come out already before the end of this year, if it only was deemed ready.

Long story short, today we learned that WordPress 5.0 has a new target release date, December 6, which is the day after tomorrow.

What does this mean for Seravo customers?

Our customers have no reason to worry. We will not be updating any sites to the new version for the time being. New deploys will likely get the new version a bit earlier than the existing sites. In any case, we will wait and see how WP 5.0 matures and keep you up-to-date about our plans as the situation evolves.

If you’re running a site that is heavily customised, with Advanced Custom Fields and the like, we recommend that you install and activate the Classic Editor plugin to make sure that everything works on your site as before even if you decide to take the plunge.

We wrote about the Gutenberg editor, the big thing in 5.0, in our blog earlier this fall. If you want to hear what the future holds for Gutenberg and WordPress, do not miss the opportunity to follow the livestream from WordCamp US this weekend (a free ticket required). Whether you like change or not, there’s more on the way.


2 responses to “WordPress 5.0 is coming out on December 6”

  1. […] the end December 6, 2018 was the day when this new editing experience was deemed ready to be released as a major WordPress release. The […]

  2. […] 6 december 2018 var till slut den dagen då detta nya redigeringsgränsnitt ansågs redo att släppas som en del av en WordPress release. Det var ett releasedatum som på många sätt var ett ganska kontroversiellt beslut och blev föremål för ett ganska brett missnöje bland många. […]