Posts tagged with "performance"

WordPress Web Hosting for Small Websites: How to Pick The Right One


WordPress is the most popular content management system across the web. With over 43% of the websites running it worldwide, there is no denying its s...

WordPress 6.0 Arturo – What’s Changed?


WordPress 6.0 was a major update. What changed along with it?

HTTP Requests – What Are They and Why Do They Matter?


Want better performance on your WordPress site? Ensure your plan is a perfect fit and find out how to decrease the amount of HTTP requests with these tips!

Get Started with Speed Optimization of Your WordPress Site


Speed is of the essence – at least when it comes to the website visitor experience!

Black Friday – Ensure Your Online Shop is Ready!


How to ensure that your online shop does not come to a standstill in the middle of a shopping rush?

Botnets Bombard Your Website


At Seravo, we serve more than two billion HTTP requests each month. Not all of the traffic is caused by humans, as there’s always some bot traffic. Find out how to filter out bots in Google Analytics! – Finland’s Most Visited Website in August 2020?


Did set a new record for Finnish online history in August 2020, when nearly a million visitors visited the website in 24 hours?

Webinar: Use Xdebug to profile PHP


During the COVID-19 outbreak in spring 2020, we cancelled all of our on-site trainings and replaced them with free webinars that proved to be very po...

Webinar: Dismantle WordPress Performance Bottlenecks


We recently hosted a webinar focusing on cache, more specifically what a WordPress developer should know about caching. One of the things in that web...

PCIe-NVMe – Faster Than SSD


Most people working with computers have first-hand experience of working with solid-state drives that are dramatically faster than the traditional ha...