Tag: performance
Decluttering the Digital Garden: How to Clean Up WordPress Sites?
Take care of your site’s security and performance. Clean up your WordPress before it turns into a jungle!
WordPress and Next-Gen Image Formats: WebP, AVIF
Newer image formats like WebP and AVIF can improve your site’s speed, search engine visibility, and user experience.
Happy Holidays – Seravo Supports Nature Conservation
Last year Seravo organised a Green Friday campaign for the very first time. Green Friday is a reaction to Black Friday campaigns, particularly prominent in online stores, and draws attention to socially responsible and environmentally beneficial activities instead. Our donation…
Seravo’s Hosting for WordPress Is the Fastest in the World
Based on user data from the Chrome browser, the WordPress hosting service provided by Seravo is one of the fastest in the world.
WordPress 6.6 “Dorsey” – A Stylish Update
The WordPress 6.6 update brings better tools for managing styles in the Site Editor. Read this to see what else changes in this update!
Email Deliverability Issues at Seravo
Customers’ personal email addresses or messages sent from them have not been affected by the deliverability issues.
WooCommerce 8.4 Released
WooCommerce 8.4 introduces plenty of performance tweaks, fixes to bugs and new shipping settings.
PHP 8.3 Released Today
PHP 8.3 has been released. Here’s what’s new and how to keep your PHP version up to date!
HPOS Improves Performance in WooCommerce 8.2
Increase your WooCommerce store’s performance by enabling High Performance Order Storage!