Seravo is Top Tier in WordPress Hosting Performance Benchmarks

In October alone, Seravo served over 4 billion HTTP requests, which is a new company record. How does Seravo’s premium hosting and upkeep for WordPress fare in technical benchmarks measuring the site’s performance?

ReviewSignal has been offering web hosting reviews, comparisons and recommendations for anyone looking for a home for their website. Since 2020, they have been conducting WordPress hosting performance benchmarks, with results available at

Previously Seravo has been included in the WordPress peformance benchmarks in 2020 and 2021.

2023 WordPress Performance Benchmark Results

This year Seravo fared especially well in the WooCommerce category, and we gained the Top Tier award for the first time!

Seravo gained the Top Tier award in the $101-200 bracket, with compliments on our 99.9% uptime – included in the SLA of all our plans. Not only are we fast, but also reliable. All this happens without the need for any additional WordPress performance or optimization plugins or the help of a CDN! View all Seravo’s results here.

Seravo – Top Tier Performance for WooCommerce

  • Fastest loading time for WooCommerce customer profile
  • Second fastest login (cumulative average)
  • Third fastest p95, wp-login speed, Woo cart response time, and home profile.

See the 2023 WordPress performance benchmark results for Seravo in detail as well as data from previous benchmarks, go to

Seravo did excellent on the Load Storm test. It had the second fastest wp-login and Login average. Seravo also had the third fastest Page loading speed. The Static test went equally as well with Seravo having no errors and a 117ms average response time. Their Uptime was 99.98%+ and 99.99%+ which is very good. It was definitely a Top Tier performance for Seravo this year.

2023 WordPress Performance Benchmarks,

Seravo Offers Top Speed for WordPress

When your WordPress site is hosted at Seravo, you don’t need to install and activate any additional performance or optimization plugins. In addition to full-page cache, Redis object caching is enabled by default in all our plans – you don’t need to pay any extra to gain more performance.

What makes us so fast? Our service and stack is designed and built especially for WordPress. We’re not a shared hosting company, but not really a managed one either in the traditional sense. Our solution is unique to us, and that’s what makes us so special.

Seravo’s 2023 WordPress performance result for Load Storm benchmark, which simulates real users visiting the WordPress site.

Best Performance for WordPress Without a CDN

If you don’t need to have your site’s content readily available from all corners of the world all the time, it doesn’t make much sense to pay for an additional content distribution network (CDN). Seravo’s WordPress hosting service is already scalable, secure and as fault-tolerant as possible, so there is no need for a CDN.

And what’s going to happen when the CDN stops working due to a misconfiguration or a large-scale service interruption? When your WordPress site is hosted at Seravo, we monitor not only your site but also keep an eye on the status of your domain and DNS. If the problem is something we can fix, our upkeep will do just that. If the issue is about a third-party service we can’t do anything about, we’ll then send a quick email to let you know about the situation at hand.

At Seravo, WordPress sites have access to Seravo Plugin, which offers many features: image optimization, DNS management, log information, HTTP traffic reports (GoAccess), update tests, extra backups, security settings, PHP upgrades and cache tests are all available just by logging into your WordPress dashboard – you won’t find a separate cPanel-type interface.

Seravo was the only plan without an integrated CDN reducing load speeds globally and it showed in some of the tests. Seravo maintained 99.99%+ uptime on both monitors. Seravo earned an A+ on the SSL test.

2023 WordPress Performance Benchmarks,

Various Geographical Locations

It makes sense to select the server location based on where the majority of your site’s users reside. Servo’s server locations are in Europe, US and Singapore, and so there are plenty of options for different geographic locations. The desired server location can be chosen on the order form. If you need help with choosing the ideal geographical location for your WordPress site or you’re unsure how your WordPress site would fare in our premium hosting and upkeep, get in touch with us – we’d be happy to set up a demo so you can test and see for yourself!

Security and Support for WordPress

We at Seravo are not fixed on speed only – we also make your WordPress site secure. Each site is monitored 24/7 for availability issues, and in addition, sites are scanned daily for malicious code. In case of a security breach, our Security Guarantee ensures that the sites is cleaned up and restored without additional costs. Our 30-day automatic backups ensure that a site can always be restored from a backup, free of charge. The unique update system tests all updates prior to running them in the production environment, ensuring your site won’t break in the update process.

At Seravo, everything you may need from an exceptionally well performing WordPress hosting environment is already built-in.

WordPress Performance Benchmarks

What is ReviewSignal?

ReviewSignal is a web hosting review and comparison website. More about the benchmark measuring methodology for the WordPress performance benchmarks can be found on

How are these WordPress benchmarks carried out?

The benchmarks include simulating how real visitors would affect the performance, caching, effect of geographical location, site availability and how well WordPress/PHP is executed.

  • Simulated Users – To simulate real users visiting the site, the benchmark uses LoadStorm.
  • Cached WordPress PerformanceK6 is used to test WordPress performance with cache. The tool requests the home page of the website repeatedly and measures how fast the server responds.
  • WordPress Performance by Location – Different geographic locations are tested with WebPageTest.
  • WordPress Uptime Tests – The availability of the service is tested with HetrixTools and UptimeRobot.
  • WordPress Performance Tests – How WordPress queries and PHP perform are tested with the WPPerformanceTester plugin.

It’s Been Proven – Seravo is the Fastest WordPress Hosting

Seravo continues to provide the world’s fastest hosting service for WordPress and WooCommerce without relying on additional plugins or CDNs. More often than not, a WordPress site starts to perform faster after it is simply migrated to Seravo as-is.

As these benchmark results show, our claims are not empty – we have the evidence to back up our claims. Further proof indicating how Seravo is the fastest comparing to other WordPress hosting providers can be found on, which uses data from the users of Chrome browser to create the statistics.