81 results found for "speed"

Seravo Developer Tools


These days one of the most important aspects of a company's image is their online presence, and at the heart of it is their website. We want to make ...

The Seravo Difference


How to Choose a Hosting Service for WordPress Web hosting is an industry so popular that it sometimes seems like everybody owns a web hosting busi...



Knowledge Base When you’re looking for a quick answer to a question about your site. help.seravo.com Developer Docs Whe...

HTTPS is not optional


Encryption has been keeping your data safe for years now, and you might be using a VPN application to form a secure internet connection and protect y...

Debug PHP performance issues with Tideways


We are proud to announce that at Seravo.com we have implemented an integration with Tideways, a service to log and analyze what your WordPress PHP co...

Is Your Website a Hit? Make Sure the Full Page Cache Works


Do you expect your website to get a lot of visitors? No worries, if your site is hosted by Seravo, you are already well prepared. However, if you wan...

WordCamp magic in Athens, Greece


Seravo has quite a long history supporting WordPress Communities. We have been giving speeches, sponsoring and attending different WordCamps for many...

Five reasons to choose WordPress


It's easy for us inside the WordPress bubble to consider it self-explanatory. Sometimes, however, it’s wise to go back to basics and...



Are you working at a web, digital or advertising agency? Do you want all your WordPress sites to be managed by a secure, fast and reliable hosting...

Improving WordPress Performance with Xdebug and PHP Profiling


The success of WordPress is traditionally attributed to how easy it is to use, both from an end-user point of view and from a website developer's poi...