Pick a plan. For the best deal, choose annual billing. Check out the plans page for more information.
Prices VAT 0%. Tax will be added when applicable. The service is for business and professional use, not for consumers. Seravo Ltd terms of service apply.
Seravo has multiple datacenter locations across the globe. If you select a specific country below Seravo will deploy your site in that country. The jurisdiction where the customers’s data is located will not be changed unless the customer specifically requests it.
Please enter the primary domain for your site (included in plan price).
Please include all domains you wish to point to this site. Additional domains will be subject to an additional fee, even if they were managed elsewhere. See details and prices for additional domains.
Choose an email option for your domain.
No email will be added to the order.
For a new deployment of Google Workspace we recommend that you find a local partner to help set the system up. You can also contact Google directly.
It is possibile to use a free Gmail account with your own domain. However, instead of Gmail, Seravo recommends using Google’s Google Workspace, as it is the most professional and reliable option, making it an excellent choice for all types of businesses.
For example, John Doe can use his domain example.com with his free Gmail account john.doe@gmail.com.
Includes one IMAP inbox. The price is 42 EUR / IMAP mailbox / year.
Enter the dedicated email accounts to be created. *
You will be able to continue using your current email service normally.
Please enter the information of the organisation that owns the website
Primary contact for this website. Login information is sent to this contact after processing the order.
You can leave additional information here or just say hi!
Choose a billing method.
Please enter the information of the billing contact person.
Order details
The chosen services amount to:
Free site migration is included
Billing will start after the trial period of [months] months. The order can be cancelled at any time before the trial ends without cost.