No matter the size of your business or website, it may be targeted by cyber criminals. More often than not, a WordPress site contains personal data of its users, which should be protected with great care and attention to detail.
Does your webhost have the capability to react to cybersecurity threats such as data breaches? In a normal web hosting service, you merely gain access to the server and are responsible of the rest, such as updates or security. However, these may take time and require special expertise, hogging time from your core business. In the event of a data breach for example, a partner who is able to provide support becomes invaluable.
Seravo’s premium hosting for WordPress is the choice for businesses who wish to minimize risks when it comes to website security. Being proactive about security is an essential part of our service as well as all our WordPress hosting plans.
Have you ever stopped to think what would happen if a data breach occurred on your website? If you haven’t given any thought to the security of your site, it’s likely only a matter of time. With the help of our checklist you’ll get started with website security basics in no time, and improve the security of your WordPress site.
Data Breaches Are Not Unusual
In numerous data breach cases the root cause has been a weak or a leaked password, which has been used to access confidential company information. Gaining access to such data can also lead to an attempt to blackmail companies for money: back in 2014, The European Central Bank (ECB) was the victim of a data breach when an attacker gained access to a website database with a brute force attack. The attacker also attempted to extort ECB in exchange for data.
Governments, banks and large businesses are of course especially attractive targets for cybercriminals, and data breaches against well-known organizations receive a lot of attention in media. However, smaller companies and websites are just as likely to be targeted, as even a simple online shop can contain data that can be used for other types of data breaches. No online content is immune to security threats.
Good Security Is Everyone’s Business
Security threats are not limited to the IT department of your organization – they concern your entire business and its reputation. The consequences of a cyber attack can be far-reaching, and everyone should be concerned about ensuring good information security – not just the company IT wizards.
As a site owner or a company decision-maker you’re responsible for protecting your company’s data and assets. With good instructions and well-informed decisions you can protect your business from these threats.
As technologies and tools evolve, so do the scams and threats aimed at businesses and websites. For example, artificial intelligence can be harnessed in the execution of an online scam. While cybercriminals have more sophisticated tools at their disposal, the average employee needs to be on guard and become aware of these technologies.
Most Common Website Vulnerabilities
Your website could be vulnerable to a data breach or other security-related attack if it is easy prey for cybercriminals or their bots and accomplices. Here’s what makes your business or website a sitting duck:
- Weak passwords
- Outdated software, lack of updates
- Lack of information about scams and the techniques used in them
- Lack of protection
- Lack of guidance, monitoring or strategy
Cybersecurity Checklist
How can you get started with improving your website’s security? Go through the following checklist! With these simple steps, you can protect your entire business.
- Are the passwords strong enough?
- Is multi-factor authentication enabled in login?
- Are updates taken care of regularly?
- Is your data backed up?
- Can additional protection be enabled?
- Are employees informed of good security practices?
How Seravo Improves Your Website’s Security
- Tool to detect potentially weak passwords on your site. (read more)
- Instructions and help for enabling two-factor authentication. (read more)
- Tested, regular updates for WordPress, plugins as well as critical security updates. (read more)
- Automatic backups. (read more)
- Possibility to enable additional security settings. (read more)
Seravo’s premium hosting features several levels of protection against cyberattacks. In addition, you can enhance the security of your website by implementing additional settings and techniques such as HSTS or CSP. We also recommend partnering with a digital agency that is familiar with these additional setting and technologies. Check out Seravo’s partners, or ask our customer service for recommendations.
You can also promote good security practices by sharing knowledge about cybersecurity at work. At Seravo, we share tips for finding and using open source solutions that improve cybersecurity both at work and in spare time.

Improve Security Right Away
A data breach cannot be conjured away with a wave of a magic wand. That’s why being aware of the risks and taking proactive steps is paramount in improving the cybersecurity of your company’s website.
Take note of the aforementioned checklist and find out what is the situation of cybersecurity on your site. A moment of your time now can prevent a major incident in the future!
Is your WordPress site secure? Seravo offers additional services to improve website security, such as Security Hardening. We also offer a special Security Guarantee for all sites in our premium hosting. Don’t wait for a data breach to happen – take action today!