Author: Otto Kekäläinen

  • Load Lazy to Load Faster

    Load Lazy to Load Faster

    Lazy loading is a technique that speeds up page loads on web pages. Its idea in all its simplicity is to refrain from loading any images that are not visible. Any images will be loaded just before they appear as the visitor scrolls the page. This should make no apparent difference in the user experience but…

    Read more: Load Lazy to Load Faster
  • Make Your Site Faster with Caching

    Make Your Site Faster with Caching

    Cache is one of those things you often hear about but might never see explained anywhere. We decided it was time to write a quick guide about the different levels of caching that exist out there. Simply put, caching is a very common and useful technique that can help serve requests up to ten times…

    Read more: Make Your Site Faster with Caching
  • New Google analysis reveals the fastest hosts

    A recent analysis done by Google, which is using data from the Chrome UX dataset‘s time-to-first-byte measurements from real-world users, shows that the speed of sites managed by Seravo was on average better than that of the traditional industry leaders in the WordPress ecosystem. Time to first byte TTFB is measured as the time from the…

    Read more: New Google analysis reveals the fastest hosts
  • New WordPress Security Settings by Seravo

    New WordPress Security Settings by Seravo

    Our staff has given numerous talks at WordCamps and meetups about WordPress security, and we have always claimed that WordPress is secure by default. All users really need to do is follow good password hygiene. WordPress is not like Windows – you don’t need to install virus scanners or security plugins right after installing WordPress.…

    Read more: New WordPress Security Settings by Seravo
  • Does Cloudflare Help My WordPress Site?

    Does Cloudflare Help My WordPress Site?

    Our WordPress experts frequently give talks about speed optimizing WordPress, so it’s only natural that we get plenty of speed optimization related questions from WordPress users and developers alike. Cloudflare pops up occasionally in the discussion with some people and when they hear our answer they’re often surprised. In our experience Cloudflare slows down a…

    Read more: Does Cloudflare Help My WordPress Site?
  • The Next-Generation WordPress Testing System

    The Next-Generation WordPress Testing System

    Part of our premium WordPress hosting and upkeep service is testing and updating our customers’ sites for errors and otherwise reduced functionality. Previously the testing has been done with the help of our own wp-test command that has been available to our customers as well via SSH. Now we’re excited to announce that in the…

    Read more: The Next-Generation WordPress Testing System
  • 13 Tips for a Secure & Efficient WordPress Database

    13 Tips for a Secure & Efficient WordPress Database

    If we were asked to name two of the most common issues with WordPress websites, the answer would be security and speed. And what’s the one main factor these two have in common? The database. The database of a WordPress site contains all the valuable data and is often the bottleneck of the site’s performance,…

    Read more: 13 Tips for a Secure & Efficient WordPress Database
  • Updated NodeJS tools

    Updated NodeJS tools

    Today we have started to roll out NodeJS version 8, as well as new versions of related tools NPM, Yarn, Gulp, Grunt, Webpack, Browserify and Bower. We have provided NodeJS tools for our customers for years now, to help our customers have whatever development workflow they want, including the possibility to use NodeJS tools like…

    Read more: Updated NodeJS tools
  • 300% faster WordPress load times with transients

    300% faster WordPress load times with transients

    Did you know that WordPress has a built-in caching system called transients? They are easy to use and extremely effective when used correctly. In this article I will demonstrate how we used the WP Transient API functions and made our own front page load on average over 300% faster.  Caching can sometimes be tricky because…

    Read more: 300% faster WordPress load times with transients
  • Best practices: backup and restore

    Best practices: backup and restore

    One of the oldest features of Seravo’s WordPress hosting and upkeep plans is the daily backup feature. We back up all of our customers’ WordPress sites daily and keep a copy of those backups on our servers for 30 days. On many occasions these backups have saved our customers from extensive damage and extra work.…

    Read more: Best practices: backup and restore