Category: Seravo
Announcement: Singapore Server Cluster Closure
Seravo’s server cluster location in Singapore, aimed at businesses operating in the Asian market, will be shut down during summer 2025. The change will not effect other server locations available to our customers.
Technical Updates at Seravo in February 2025
Updating the software running on the server is important, especially for security reasons.
Happy Holidays – Seravo Supports Nature Conservation
Last year Seravo organised a Green Friday campaign for the very first time. Green Friday is a reaction to Black Friday campaigns, particularly prominent in online stores, and draws attention to socially responsible and environmentally beneficial activities instead. Our donation…
Priority Support – Faster Support for WP Enterprise Customers
Seravo’s WP Enterprise is a tailored hosting plan for demanding WordPress websites. We now offer faster support response times for Enterprise customers!
Ten Years of Premium Hosting for WordPress
Seravo has provided hosting exclusively for WordPress sites for ten years. Trust our experience and let us stress about your WordPress!
Premium Partner for WordPress Hosting
How can a digital agency or freelancer benefit from a premium hosting partner? Free up your time by outsourcing WordPress hosting to Seravo.
Upcoming Changes in Seravo’s Pricing and VAT Rate
Prices for Seravo’s WordPress hosting plans will update on January 1, 2025. In addition, the VAT rate will increase on September 1, 2024.
- Has a New Look has been refreshed and is now using a WordPress block theme. What are they, and how can one improve website UX and accessibility?
Seravo’s Hosting for WordPress Is the Fastest in the World
Based on user data from the Chrome browser, the WordPress hosting service provided by Seravo is one of the fastest in the world.